AudioTron XML Proxy

Project Description

The Turtle Beach AudioTron is a digial music player for your home network. AudioTron uses your home network to play Internet radio from a networked Internet connection and digital music files from a PC’s hard drive.

The AudioTron has a documented programming interface that you can use to control the AT or get information about your music library. The format that the API returns is a text format that the folks at Turtle Beach made up. I thought it would be nicer for the data returned from this API to be formatted as XML

This project provides a Java servlet and associated classes that proxy requests made to the AT and convert the results that come back into XML.

What is included?

ATProxy Servlet - This servlet handles requests to the AudioTron and translates the AT result format to XML. Currently, this servlet only handles apigetinfo API calls.

What will be added in the future?

Where do I get the files?

Right here

How do I install the proxy?

The files are distributed as a WAR (Web Application Archive) file. This deployment file is understood by most J2EE compliant servers. You should be able to put the WAR file in the deployment directory of your server and restart the server process. This has only been tested with Apache Tomcat v.4.1.27

The only configuration necessary is to modify the properties of the file located in the \WEB-INF\classes directory. This file contains two properties - hostname and password. Set hostname to be the IP address or host name of your AudioTron. Set password to be the admin password of your AudioTron.

License Information

This software is offered as part of this project is in the public domain. It can be freely copied, reproduced, and redistributed.

AudioTron and TurtleBeach are trademarks of VTB, Inc. Logo